I liked it. nice gameplay and average graphics. BTW what's the name of the song in the very first level?
I liked it. nice gameplay and average graphics. BTW what's the name of the song in the very first level?
loved it
really entertaining but id like to know the name of the music that plays when ur talking to the dance contest woman when ur about to register. that song was used in "Pico Pride" as well but it didnt say tyhe name of the audio. plz someone tell me. ty :D
Strategically talking...Great!
It is a good game and i loved the audio (i'd ask you could u please tell me the name of the song? thank you) but it could really have more options than now. Like making the virus resistant from drugs you could make some "bad drugs" (developed by dumb doctors, witch live on poor countries which have worse education - some kind of stuff ill mention down here) that make'em even stronger. you could use the Situation of every country like : Rich countries got more chances to survive, and poor countries got less and bla bla bla... and also, you could make the "actual situation" : if more then 3/4 of the population dies, there's about 25% of chances to develop a cure, if 1/2 of the country pop. dies there's 50% chances of developing a cure and there goes. And to finish this, you could make the countries situation more realistic like: Greenland is cold so if my virus isnt cold resistant it will easily die, Africa is hot, and there goes.
It's a wonderful game and, as a lot of users say, it could have a save option :P
well, 5/5 10/10 good game and i hope you release Pandemic 3, but this time, way better :D!
really appreciated!
This, and the first The Last Stand, were the best games ive ever had the opportunity of playin here on NewGrounds.Everything on this game was awesome and perfect,i just didnt like one single much kamikazes (suicidal zombies, and mainly FAT ones) and sometimes its a pain in the ass to kill em. well aprt from that...dazzling game and im sure that itll be in the top games for quite a time :D
this sux
dood this animation was the best, and i liked that u used different kinds of drawing for some deaths :D man my favorites are "Back UP" and "PickAxe" they were very creative and funny :)
there is a way
to the commentors just a ways down there IS a way to get more than four bottles in Ocarina of time but that can only be done with an especific glitch witch is: go to one of the hundreds of holes that contains a lil puddle of water with a fish, then choose an empty bottle from ur inventory, get the fish and when u see that Link will raise the bottle, quickly change the bottle with another item. then when u see, the item will become a bottle with a fish, and thats how u get more than 4 bottles :) but remember: dont use the glitch with an important item and save...or else...BOOM GAME OVER :)
the game's overall is good but that Doctor Herregods healing ability is too rigged. u could have made it about 2 hundred thousand not 2 MILLION :P.
no matter how many times u lose, U WANNA PLAY AGAIN :D ITS ADDICTING!!! dood 5/5 10/10 and keep on with the wonderful ragdoll games!
what was the "?" it was pretty funny
Just some dude who wants to become a voice actor, audio engineer and one day open up a studio aimed at the little guy! I've been an avid fan of NewGrounds since my teens. Figured I'd give my profile another shot :D My Discord ID is: Tanekoshima#0703
Age 31, Male
V.A. / Audio Engi.
Joined on 9/17/07